second book in the series – The TrailFolk of Xunar-kun – won First
Place in The 2009 Written Art Awards, Science Fiction category; Silver
in the 2011 Readers’ Favorite Awards, and Silver in the 2011 Mom’s
Choice Awards.
received a 2009 Artist Crossroads Grant from The ARTs Council of the
Southern Finger Lakes and NYSCA to create an audio book of Alysa of the
Fields. She cast 42 actors in the character roles and lent her own voice
to the narration. She recorded and edited the 8-CD audio book in her
home studio. It was released in 2010 and has won three awards: Gold in
Readers’ Favorite, Silver in Mom’s Choice, and First Place in Reader
Views Literary Competition.
addition to writing stories, poetry and screenplays, Tina has been a
freelance communications designer since 1995. She creates everything
from web content and graphics to business communications, and has
published illustrations internationally in several books and other
media. Tina has been involved in digital graphic design since the ‘90s
and for most of her life has been creating artwork in some form. She
became serious about writing during the 1980s.